Vegan Clam Chowder

A few days ago I tried to make a vegan version of clam chowder, using TVP flakes reconstituted with water and Old Bay seasoning as a replacement for the clams.  It turned out pretty well!


  • 1/2 cup of TVP
  • 1/2 cup of boiling water
  • One-and-a-half teaspoons of Old Bay seasoning
  •  6 cups of water
  • Enough veggie bouillon for 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of soy milk powder
  • 1/2 cup of white flour
  • Salt and pepper
  • 3 potatoes, cut into chunks or slices
  1. Combine the TVP, boiling water, and Old Bay seasoning in a sealed container and let sit for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix the water and veggie bouillon together in a pot, bring the resulting veggie stock to a boil, and reduce the heat to medium-high.
  3. Add the potatoes to the veggie stock and cook until they begin to soften.
  4. Scoup out 1 cup of the stock and whisk in the flour to make a slurry.
  5. Add the soymilk powder to the soup in the pot.
  6. Add the stock/flour slurry back to the soup in the pot.
  7. Add the reconstituted TVP, salt, and pepper to the soup in the pot.
  8. Cook for 5 minutes or so and then serve.

Makes 3 servings